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Tropical Cyclone Jasper Flood recovery

On 13 December, Tropical Cyclone (TC) Jasper made landfall as a Category 2 TC within the Douglas Shire Council area.

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The impact and the aftermath

As the TC tracked to the North towards the Gulf of Carpentaria it caused significant and prolonged rain in catchments. Flooding records in some areas, including the Barron and Daintree Rivers, have been surpassed.

There is now significant and ongoing flooding within the Douglas and Cairns Council areas and evacuations from townships including the Wujal Wujal Community continue.

The impact is huge, and it is devastating. The aftermath of Ex-TC Jasper is still unknown yet the damage to lives and livelihoods is already extensive. Homes, roads, and infrastructure are destroyed and so many are displaced.

When the water subsides and the spotlight shifts, the crisis is far from over.

For many it has just begun, and community is left alone to pick up the pieces.

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How do we help?

Disaster Relief Australia volunteers stand ready to step in. We help pick up those pieces. With hard work, commitment and compassion, our volunteers get people back into their homes. It can take weeks, months and even years but we are there. Flood recovery is dirty and challenging work. Our volunteers roll up our sleeves, clean out mud, remove fence lines, chainsaw dangerous trees, salvage what we can and remove rubbish and debris brought about by the floods.

Help us to help others

How can you help us?

Disaster Relief Australia is there to help people rebuild their lives. We cannot do it alone. We need your support. Your support and donation today will assist Disaster Relief Australia to put our volunteers on the ground tomorrow. We will help clean up in incredibly challenging conditions.  We will take on the tasks and challenge of helping residents to rebuild their lives. Your donation is essential to help us do that. The more funds we raise, the more volunteers we can put on the ground and the more people we can help.

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What do we need and what will it pay for?


provides a pair of gloves, protective glasses and a work shirt to keep our volunteers safe on the ground


provides gloves, coveralls and a pressure cleaner to assist cleaning a person’s disaster affected home


provides a strike team kit full of necessary tools to give assistance to homeowners in need


provides a chainsaw to clear fallen trees from fence lines and allow homeowners to access properties


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Through the generosity of your legacy, you can make a significant impact by assisting individuals, families and communities affected by natural disasters for many years to come. With the incidence of natural disasters tripling in the past thirty years, leaving a gift in your Will to Disaster Relief Australia to assist future generations has never been so important.

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