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When disaster strikes, we work hard to help the most vulnerable in need. Through the generosity of your legacy, you can make a significant impact by assisting individuals, families and communities affected by natural disasters for many years to come.


With the incidence of natural disasters tripling over the past thirty years, leaving a gift in your Will to assist future generations has never been so important.

It is easy to leave a gift in your Will to Disaster Relief Australia (DRA). You can either include the bequest when you write your Will or simply add one as a codicil to your existing Will. It is important for you to discuss your intentions with your loved ones, your intention to leave a gift in your Will to DRA, and how important it is to you. This will help to ensure your wishes are honoured.

To guarantee your wishes are recorded in a legally binding way, we recommend you seek professional advice from a legal advisor. Upon confirmation of your gift, you will be invited to join a special group of committed and like-minded supporters. We are grateful to every member of this community and thank them for their invaluable and lasting support. Your gift will make a significant and lasting impact on the future lives of Australians affected by disasters.

Write your will
Coraki Disaster

Write your will for free

DRA supporters are eligible to write their personalised will online for FREE through GatheredHere – one of Australia’s top-rated, legally binding online will-writing services.

For many people, writing a will or managing a deceased estate is an expensive and time-consuming burden. GatheredHere has simplified the process to three simple steps.

  1. Fill out online: GatheredHere provides a step-by-step guide to write your will in under 10 minutes
  2. Print your will: Download for free and print a copy of your will
  3. Sign and witness: Sign and witness to complete your legally valid will

A reminder there is no obligation or expectation to pledge a gift in your will. You can still write a free online will regardless.

For more information visit DRA’s page via the GatheredHere website.

Visit GatheredHere

Our bequest charter and promise

  1. We will always respect your privacy. We recognise and appreciate that your Will is completely personal to you, shall be held in strict confidence and not publicly disclosed during your lifetime without your expressed permission. We will honour any request you make not to be contacted by us in a particular way, or to remain anonymous.
  2. We realise that your family and loved ones will always come first.
  3. We recognise that it is your decision, and you need to make it in your own time.
  4. We would love to know that you have included Disaster Relief Australia in your Will so that we can discuss any wishes you may have. Of course, if you decide not to tell us, we understand your decision.
  5. If you choose to tell us, we will give you and your family as much choice as we can about how and where your gift will be used to transform the lives of individuals, families and communities affected by natural disasters.
  6. We will give you the opportunity to be connected with the work we do, that is made possible by gifts such as yours.
  7. We act with integrity and will use your gift carefully and cost-effectively so that it has the greatest impact now and for future generations.
  8. We appreciate that circumstances change. At any time, you have the absolute right to change your mind about a gift in your will to Disaster Relief Australia. We respect your decision.
  9. We will handle your gift with care, sensitivity and respect.

If you have a question or require further information, please contact us.

Get in touch

A living bequest

Disaster Relief Australia strives towards bringing not only practical assistance, but hope to individuals, families and communities affected by natural disasters. By leaving a bequest to Disaster Relief Australia in your Will, you can make an invaluable difference to people’s lives now and into the future. Making a gift while you are still alive is another important option that some people prefer.

A living bequest is different to a cash donation and a normal bequest. You donate a lump sum of money which is kept in a separately named account and invested according to the Disaster Relief Australia investment policy. Each year the income of your living bequest contributions is recapitalised, allowing the total value to grow. Combined with a donation in your Will, this can result in a substantially more significant gift than what can be achieved by donation or bequest alone.


How do I prepare my will to bequest?

Whether you are preparing your first Will or updating an existing Will, it can be an easy process. It is always best to go to a legal advisor and appoint an executor to make sure your wishes for family and any charities you may choose to leave a gift to are clear and help minimise the risk of any disputes about your estate or intentions.

After taking care of your loved ones, please consider leaving a gift in your Will to Disaster Relief Australia. Even a gift of 5% can make a difference. You can leave a monetary gift from your estate that can be residual, pecuniary or a percentage.
• A residual gift is the whole or remainder of your estate after you have provided for family and friends and is the most efficient way to support Disaster Relief Australia.
• A pecuniary gift is a specific dollar value of your choice set at the time you make your Will. The value of pecuniary legacies decreases over time as inflation rises and does not make any provision for change of circumstances.
• Leaving a percentage of your overall estate allows for growth or depreciation in the value of your estate. Just a small percentage can make a real difference to the biggest challenges facing disaster affected communities today and into the future.
You may also choose to leave a gift of real estate, investments, shares, artwork, jewellery etc. Disaster Relief Australia can also be nominated as the beneficiary of your Superannuation Fund. We advise you to speak to your fund manager and/or solicitor to ensure this is distributed according to your wishes.

You will need to provide your solicitor or legal advisor with the legal name and ABN of Disaster Relief Australia. For recommended wording to include in your Will, download the fact sheet, visit the Gathered Here website or contact

Yes. If you already have a Will, you can still support Disaster Relief Australia by adding a codicil. Your solicitor or legal advisor will assist you to complete a codicil form.

Absolutely. It is important if you wish to direct your legacy to a specific use that you contact us to discuss your wishes before making or updating your Will. As the needs of our community change, so too do the capabilities and projects of Disaster Relief Australia. By talking to us, we can ensure we are able to fulfil your wishes in future years.

Yes. You can pay tribute or honour a loved one when you leave a gift in your Will to Disaster Relief Australia. Simply contact us to discuss how we can fulfil your wishes and respectfully recognise you and the person you have chosen to honour.

We would love to know that you have included Disaster Relief Australia in your Will so that we can discuss any wishes you may have. We would like to thank you and understand your wishes for the bequest you are kindly leaving as a commitment to future generations.
You may wish to advise us of your gift by:
• Emailing our fundraising team at
• Writing a letter to Disaster Relief Australia advising us of your intention and wishes for the future
• Providing a letter of confirmation from your solicitor or legal advisor, or
• Providing a copy of the codicil or your Will

Upon confirmation of your gift, you will join a special group of committed and like-minded supporters. Of course, if you decide not to tell us, we understand your decision. All enquiries will be treated with the strictest confidence. Download the fact sheet to learn more.

Contact us

For more information, to inform us of your decision to leave a gift or a confidential discussion about creating a bequest with Disaster Relief Australia, please contact our Team.

Get in touch