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Community resilience plans

Preparing communities for disaster

Community resilience focuses on enhancing the health and wellbeing of communities to reduce the impact of disasters. Backed by the skills and experience of military veterans, emergency services specialists and an army of dedicated volunteers, Disaster Relief Australia (DRA) empowers communities with projects to build disaster resilience and foster a sense of pride.

Raising resilient communities

As part of Project Resilience, DRA offers a range of services to help communities mitigate risks and become better prepared.

  • Aerial imagery and data mapping with our fleet of remotely piloted aircraft and trained specialists.
  • Specialist assessment of infrastructure, assets, vulnerabilities and preparation priorities.
  • Scenario modelling and disaster planning workshops to collect community feedback.
  • Creation, management and execution of local community projects, with community collaboration.
  • Training and management of local community volunteers.

Dedicated volunteers skilled in chainsaw work, route clearance and property access, debris removal, fencing repair, expedient home repairs and more.


Building a strong community resilience plan provides the ability to bounce back from disaster and foster a sense of community pride.

Mitigates disaster

Reduce exposure to hazards, lessen the vulnerability of people and property, and manage the local natural environment.

Community connections

Foster community connections to improve social and mental health outcomes and community cohesion in times of need.

Foster leadership

Empowers local leaders to make effective and informed decisions that prioritise community safety and infrastructure.

Resilience plan

Builds a strong coping capacity to prepare for and bounce back from natural disasters that disrupt the community’s way of life.

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Local community support

DRA operates ten Disaster Relief and Recovery Teams (DRRTs) around Australia with the capability to conduct disaster relief and community support operations. Under Project Resilience, each DRRT adopts a community and works through a dedicated program to help build its resilience to disasters.

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