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DRRT Manager: Zac Hayden

DRRT Victoria currently has 476 volunteers. Since it was launched, DRRT VIC volunteers have completed several service projects. This includes:

  • Trentham and Mooroolbark 2021 – Following severe weather events across the state of Victoria in June 2021, many areas in both Regional and Metro Vic suffered extensive damage. DRRT Victoria collaborated with a veteran-centric rehabilitation charity to provide recovery and assistance. Taskings included the clearing of felled trees, debris and material blocking transport and vehicle access routes, plus general clearance tasks on affected properties.

Events calendar

Our DRRTs hold multiple events throughout the year, designed to connect volunteers. Discover opportunities to engage and empower and join our DRRT community’s impactful initiatives.

Training calendar

Click here to browse through our upcoming training events exclusively curated for volunteers within this DRRT community. Explore the schedule and mark your calendar by clicking here.

Contact us

To discuss a training need or for more information, please email your Local DRRT Manager.

Get in touch