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Operation Carrington

Between 7 and 9 March 2023, 533mm of rain fell across the Nicholson, Gregory, and Leichardt River catchments in the Gulf of Carpentaria. This rainfall caused major flooding in the communities of Burketown, Doomadgee, and Gregory. More than 96 residents from across the area were evacuated. By April 2023, many of the residents had returned to the area and although the community has made some progress with the clean-up, the flooding caused significant damage to infrastructure and property.


At the request of Queensland Reconstruction Authority, National Emergency Management Agency and Burke Shire Council, Disaster Relief Australia (DRA) deployed a small team of experienced volunteers to assist with recovery tasks.

In response to March 2023 Floods
Location Burketown, Doomadgee and Gregory, QLD View map
Status Complete
Dates 22 Apr 2023 – 11 May 2023
Operation Manaaki

QLD Flood Recovery Operation

Area of Operations

Burketown, Gregory and Doomadgee

Recovery Taskings for Operation Carrington

As part of Operation Carrington, DRA provided the following capabilities:

  • Damage and impact assessments
  • Debris removal
  • Clean-up of damaged properties

The story behind the name

As part of its respect to military veterans, DRA names its relief operations after a local veteran in honour of their service to the community, and in turn ours.  In this case, we have named the Operation Carrington, after three locals, who were all related and  enlisted to serve in WWII.


Become a partner 1,952

Volunteer hours

Become a partner 16

Work orders completed

Become a partner $106,480

Community costs saved

Burketown Queensland Flood Recovery 2023

DRA’s flood recovery operation in Burketown, QLD

Operation Burton

Get involved

Planning for upcoming operational deployments is now underway. If you are keen to participate or find out more, express your interest today.

Find out more