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Couldn’t Have Done it Without all the Help – Phil Terry Lismore Resident

Disaster Relief Australia | August 2022

Phil Terry Lismore Flood

I moved here from Sydney ten years ago for the beauty of the country and the space. Even after the flood, when I woke up in the shed (because the house wasn’t able to be lived in) it was still beautiful.

During the flood, the water was as high as 1.5m in the house, all the furniture on the veranda was scattered over the property and mixed in with the debris that the flood waters carried here. I was lucky that none of the windows broke, but all the flyscreens are gone. The cabin, which used to be a feed shed was completely lifted up by the water and smashed against the fence over there.

Today I am getting ready to move out of my house as some Nurses are coming in and need a place to stay. I’ve also got some of the workers working on infrastructure repairs staying here, and if don’t move out they’ve got nowhere to stay.

I’ve had so much help. I couldn’t have done it without all the help. The help has been Amazing. You guys are incredible.