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Mobilising veteran and Defence community to support major flood recovery efforts across Queensland and NSW

Disaster Relief Australia | March 2022

Disaster Relief Australia (DRA) is deploying a veteran-led volunteer workforce to Queensland and New South Wales in response to the recent major flood event. The announcement provides a timely reminder of the urgent need to bolster Australia’s disaster recovery sector.

Disaster Relief Australia CEO Geoff Evans has called on veterans and the Defence community to continue to serve the nation.

“Veterans have many of the skills that define an excellent responder. DRA requires veterans to draw on the skills, experience, and initiative they acquired in the military and use them to help communities devastated by disasters.”

“We are looking at one of DRA’s largest operational commitments to date in Queensland and New South Wales. We are asking veterans and emergency services specialists to join our team. Although 80% of our organisation are veterans, you do not have to be a veteran to join. If you value service, we can train you.”

The not-for-profit organisation, which has supported communities with disaster relief and emergency management operations since 2016, has put their volunteer workforce on stand-by to help get people back into their homes as soon as flood waters reside.

Working alongside locals, DRA’s skilled veteran volunteers will provide hands-on help including mould treatment, debris removal, rubbish removal, clearing key access points and general clean-up. “Our scope of works is limited only by the ingenuity of the teams on the ground” Evans says, “they are pretty phenomenal at this type of work.”

Evans continued, “The natural disasters don’t end when the first responders leave, or an emergency declaration expires; for families who have spent months – and sometimes years – living in make-shift homes our work continues.”

“When we work together in operations like these, we can improve a homeowner’s ability to bounce back and restore the overall cohesion of the local community. We do this by mobilising one of Australia’s most valuable resources: Australian veterans. Events like the floods in Queensland and New South Wales demonstrate that they are needed more than ever.” DRA asks those wishing to help to register as a volunteer at: