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Cassie Brown

DRRT Manager: Cassie Brown

DRRT NT was launched in April 2022 with 32 volunteers and has grown to 76.  Since it was launched, DRRT NT volunteers have completed six service projects. These include:

  • Yarralin NT 2022 – Assisting Northern Territory Government staff in the early stages of operating the emergency accommodation facility in the remote community of Yarralin, housing Nitjpurru (Pigeon Hole) community members.
  • Acacia Hills 2022 – The felling, trimming and cutting of significant tree damage and fire break clearance after a storm cell hit rural property.
  • Ongoing – Various property maintenance projects provided ranging from removal of storm affected trees, clearing fire breaks and preparing for veteran events.

Events calendar

Our DRRTs hold multiple events throughout the year, designed to connect volunteers. Discover opportunities to engage and empower and join our DRRT community’s impactful initiatives.

Training calendar

Click here to browse through our upcoming training events exclusively curated for volunteers within this DRRT community. Explore the schedule and mark your calendar by clicking here.

Contact us

To discuss a training need or for more information, please email your Local DRRT Manager.

Get in touch