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Our partners



Fulcrum is an integral part of DRA’s operations. Fulcrum provides our Disaster Relief Teams with desktop and phone software to efficiently manage large volumes of requests for assistance. The advanced system captures relevant details and allows us to go through necessary steps to scope requests, plan work, document everything and manage reporting. This in-kind support is critical to our operations and we are immensely grateful to Spatial Networks for their commitment to national disaster recovery efforts.

Fulcrum in the field
• When DRA deploys on operations, we receive requests for assistance directly from the community and from local government or emergency management agencies.
• These requests are documented, tracked, and managed using the Fulcrum platform, provided by Spatial Networks.
• Fulcrum allows us to geo-locate affected properties, making it easier to find, assess and prioritise our work – even when there’s no cell or Wi-Fi coverage in the field.
• Providing extensive checklists, Fulcrum helps us determine what is within our capabilities, and that our people and equipment are fit for the task at hand.
• At any point in time we’re able to see how much work has been completed and what is still outstanding, which feeds directly into our management reporting.

Visit Fulcrum